
Flame Of Recca Full Episodes Torrent Download
Flame Of Recca Full Episodes Torrent Download

He regularly gets into street fights, and is well known for doing so in school and in his neighborhood. He has promised that to anyone who defeats hm in battle, he will become their personal ninja. Recca appears to be, at first, a teenager who is obsessed with anything related to ninjas.

Flame Of Recca Full Episodes Torrent Download

On his right arm he wears a tekkou, or a fire seal that protects him from his own flames. Recca also has a strong resemblance to his biological father, Oka.

Flame Of Recca Full Episodes Torrent Download

Recca's most distinguishing feature is the band-aid he wears on his left cheek which covers a scar wound that goes right into his cheek. He wears casual clothes, even in battle for the rest of the series. At the Ura Butou Satsujin, he wore a sleeveless dark blue shirt with a black mesh undershirt, along with white pants and tennis shoes and an orange sash around his waist. He initially wore his school uniform along with an orange baseball cap pulled backwards. He is fairly tall and toned for a teenage boy. Recca has black hair which is always seen in its characteristic forward curls.

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